Demco Kar Kaddy Tow Dolly - Car Tow (like new)

Date:01/06/2021 5:28 pm

The Kar Kaddy 3 is everything you would expect from a Demco Kar Kaddy. Featuring disc brakes and a steerable axle, the Kar Kaddy3 exceeds expectations. Some of the other features you can expect from the Kar Kaddy 3 are a tilt bed frame for easy loading/unloading with an automatic re-latch so you never have to worry about latching the tilt bed, sealed bearing hubs that feature a 3-year warranty and never need to be lubed or serviced! Not sure if your vehicle will fit on this dolly? Total towed vehicle weight allowed is 4,700 lbs. and towed vehicle tread width is 42” (minimum) to 76″ (maximum).

Price $2,100
Year 2017
Make Misc. Trailer Related Items
Phone Number 7579686589
Email [email protected]
United States of America
Tampa, FL, USA
